It is safest to have a long term policy on the automobile driven most often. Because of the high speeds that many people prefer to drive it is important to assess the risk you are taking when driving along side these folks. The right insurance policy will keep you in the green both on the highway and in your own neighborhood.
If there is more than one vehicle in your driveway, having a multi car insurance policy will help you stay within a budget. When insuring more than one vehicle, there are usually discounts offered by your insurer. Not only do they check out the drivers and the automobiles they insure but they also figure that if you drive more than one the ratio of an accident of a specific car will be a lessened risk. For this reason they can offer a smaller premium.
Another form of coverage is short term car insurance. This is a good thing to have for a number of reasons. When you are not someone who drives the automobile much there is less risk to the auto insurer. This will give a lower rate. You can contact the company and let them know the dates you will be using the car, where it will be driven, approximately how many miles and who will be at the wheel. This will compute a quote for the specifics and you are covered. This is especailly helpful for elderly persons who ride with friends, family or who use public transportation more often than not. This helps them not to have quite as large a chunk taken from their fixed income.
Another reason that short term insurance might be the best route to take is when you usually drive in the country where less traffic is but are going to be taking a trip to a city or out of state to visit friends or relatives. The same information will be needed and the cards will be printable right from your computer.
Some people prefer this method for maintaining legal driving status and also coverage for short jaunts. It helps to keep a contained budget and also keeps everyone within the legal limits of their driving abilities.